Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Did We Ever Truly Trust Wikipedia?

WikiScanner Identifies Editors on Wikipedia

WikiScanner, which is discussed in the article mentioned above, is a new site that allows anyone to see who is editing what on Wikipedia. It is interesting enough by itself to ponder the potential uses and abuses for this tool, but the New York Times recently published an article on what has actually been discovered through it. It seems most of the "obviously self-interested" edits have come from users in corporate networks.

Seeing Corporate Fingerprints in Wikipedia Edits

So, I guess the moral of the story is what we've been saying all along...be careful with information found on Wikipedia. I think it also strengthens the larger argument for the need to evaluate sources of information in the digital age. Where are you getting information? Who did it come from?

Update: A blog post about this

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